OMM joins hand with HRAO to promote Millets

Odisha Millets Mission (OMM) is now setting a tremendous footprints in the state of Odisha . Millet – the magical crop is now being seen in everyone’s diet. In addition to this  Odisha Millet Mission is  organised a fruitful discussion and meeting with Hotel and Restaurant Association (HRAO) to brainstorm and forming  strategy to promote millets.

The representatives from Swosti Premium, Food Junction The New Marion, Pal Heights, SwostiGrand, Hotel Excellency, Barjorjis Hotels, Suryansh Hotels and others from HRAO participated in the meeting. In addition, the meeting saw participation from FICCI, Tourism Department and other departmental officials.

At the outset, Dr Arabinda Padhee, Principal Secretary, Department of Agriculture & Farmers’ Empowerment welcomed the participants. He emphasised that, by promoting millets hotels will improve the livelihoods of small and marginal farmers and women self-help groups.

Mr Prem Chandra Chaudhury, Director, DAFP suggested that millet food festivals can be organised in collaboration with HRAO members. Millet snacks can be placed in the hotel rooms. Information brochures on advantages of millets can be placed in the rooms of the guests.

Representative from Tourism Department shared that they have already included millet menu in OTDC hotels and are keen to scale up the millet promotion through their department.  Also Dr Padhee shared that Hon’ble Chief Minister has declared 10th November as “Millet Day”. He also said  that HRAO is a very important member and stakeholder of Odisha Millets Mission.

HRAO shared that they are very excited to collaborate with the OMM. They will actively participating in  promote millets and will work with OMM on developing bigger product range.

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