Government Asks Retailers To Pass On Lower Wholesale Rates Of Pulses To Consumers


The Consumer Affairs Secretary also said that the progress of sowing for kharif season pulses is robust. Pulses such as arhar, urad, mung and moth are sown in the kharif season, which typically starts around June and ends in October. Retail industry participants assured that they would make necessary adjustments in their retail margins and maintain at a nominal level to ensure availability of prices at affordable prices to the consumers.

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The government warned that it would take stern actions against unscrupulous speculation and profiteering by market players. The government has undertaken numerous efforts in facilitating enhanced production of tur and urad in major kharif pulses-producing states, besides the distribution of good quality seeds to farmers through NAFED and NCCF.

Presentation- DDibyabharati Nayak

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