3rd foundation day of Shyamala Subarna

“Agriculture was the first occupation of man, and as it embraces the whole earth. It is the foundation of all other industries”.
In this world when someone is in a problem another one is there to help them and uplift them to march towards success. In our Odisha when farmers are in trouble one man with lots of vision and dedication is there to help them in their worst situations, with his team he has built a strong foundation and various strategy for farmers which will help them in their worst period. Through his team and various messages to the framers and farmers sector which is known as ” SHYAMALA SUBARNA,” he has uplifted our Odisha farmer one step ahead. The man who is behind this wonderful and spectacular mission is no other than D Subham.
On this day of 1st April the seed of Shyamala Subarna was planted by him and now it has reached the top place of its mission. The main moto and mission of this book is development of farmers, their equipment, income and overall wellbeing.

The magazine name itself conveys a message that to spread farming across the world.
Today this magazine has stepped into its 3rd year of edition. The team is always there and will be there in the future for the betterment of farmers. On this occasion, I would like to congratulate D Subham (editor ) and all his team members for this excellent step towards farmers, and we the team of Shyamala Subarna hope in our upcoming year we will try to find new ways for the betterment of farmers.
Last but not least we would like to thank those people who read our book and spread this message to farmers. Keep loving us and supporting us.

By:Nirad Baran Dalai

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