The basic beverage

Either it’s tea, coffee or ghee or the beverage base which every indian depends on is milk. Milk : a nutritious dish we all belief, You know which country got the Milk Revolution it’s India, Yes more than 70% household got their everyday source of food depending on Milk. We all consume this know it’s value since childhood. The World Milk Day is observed every year on 1 June to recognise the importance of milk as a consumer food. The main objective of this day is to focus on activities that are connected to the dairy sector not only just Milk but also all the ecosystems creation by this. The World Milk Day was established by the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) of the United Nations in 2001. The date, 1 June was chosen because many countries were observing the milk day during that time of the year. World Milk Day 2021 will be celebrated with a theme focusing on sustainability in the dairy sector . The objective is to spread the importance of milk and dairy products in the diet regularly. The benefits of milk and dairy products have been active through campaigns, events, and programs across the world . But to aware this we From Shyamala Subarna support Indian Dairy Farmers for enrich and empowerment.

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