Safe Food Today for A Healthier Tomorrow

“Let your food be your medicine and your medicine be your food”
According to the UN (United Nation), safe and healthy food is the key to sustaining life as well as in promoting development. Safe food is very much essential for every human being. Therefore to spread this awareness every year on 7th June we celebrate World Food Safety day.
According to a UN report annually 600 million people are suffering from food-borne diseases. This unwanted happening leads to theart on human health as well as leads to economically degradation.
It was estimated that 420000 people every year die by consuming contaminated food mainly small children or people with lower immunity. Solutions to be free from food borne diseases is as follows.

1 Always beware and avoid eating contaminated food.
2 Take healthy foods like green vegetable fruits, etc.
3 Always try to store food in a well-cleaned container.
4 Refer a doctor if you have any food borne disease.
5 spread this awareness in your society to make them free from this disease.

Except this, a campaign has also been started which is named as ‘Food safety is everyone’s business.’ Under this campaign, it has been stated that the safety of food is our responsibility and we can change this big evil into a good one.
Last but not least we should observe food safety day each day so that we can eradicate these deadly issues. As food is the diamond of all humans we need to keep it clean and safe, the result of which will be a healthy society and environment
From the team of SHYAMALA SUBARNA, we wish you all a happy food safety day.
By: Nirad Baran Dalai

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