Odisha Agriculture Census

As always we all know agriculture is the bone marrow of our country and more than 118.8 million people are involved in farming. This is the scenario of our country but talking about our state Odisha 70% of people are involved in the farming sector. So here a question arises if the state is fully dependent on this 70% of farmers there should be an analysis data on it so that everyone can get some knowledge about it besides the farmers also can know their increase in the farming sector as well.

According to the agriculture census 2015-16 approximately there are 48.66 lakh operational holding in the state of Odisha. As compared to the 2011 census it was only 47.67 lakh so there is an increase of 4.25 % in the agricultural sector which gives a ray of hope to our farmers for more cultivation. In the year 2014-15 Odisha agriculture statics had provided a data-sheet in which there has been mentioned which type of crop is suitable for which soil month-wise rain possibility gross production expectation at the end of the year besides other valuable guidance in which farmer able to know this thing, as a result, the production was more in the year 2015-16. As agriculture is a wider

concept This includes 48.61 lakh individual holdings, 0.04 lakh joint holdings, and 0.01 lakh institutional holdings.

In the year 2015 India Agriculture Statics have issued a report in which for food crops like Kharif and Rabi a total of 1067775 methods were planned for every state for more production of crops. For non-food crops, 184338 methods were planned. In the year 2021 for characters like plantation, spices, flowers 265.96,148.11,5.52 land were used as a result the production was about 58.66 lakh in all total.

Last but not least farming is the main actor of our economy and farmers are our gods so help them till our end. As we all are interdependent on each other and they play a vital role in our society.

By- Nirad Baran Dalai( Shyamala Subarna)

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