Coconuts: Transforming Lives

Every year on September 2, the World Coconut Day is celebrated. The theme of the day is ‘Coconuts: Transforming Lives‘.

A varied range of products are obtained from the coconut plant. The coconut tree is often called the Kalpavriksha, the divine tree that fulfils wishes and is common to Hinduism, Jainism and Buddhism. The sweet coconut water and tender white flesh are a store house of nutrients and antioxidants. The milk and oil of coconut are used in cooking various unique and tasty dishes.Coconut sap, coir and copra are parts of the tree used to make coconut butter, coconut cream and doormats. The leaves of the trees are used to make roofs of thatched huts. So, this day helps in drawing in more awareness towards coconut cultivation and market for its value added products.

The day is especially observed in Asian and Pacific nations, which are home to most of the world’s coconut producing areas and production centers. World Coconut Day is observed by increasing public awareness about the health and commercial benefits of coconut. Coconut is being planted in tropical places for millions of years and has benefited humanity in a variety of ways. The entire globe celebrates one of nature’s healthiest fruits on this day.
Some of the importance of coconut has been highlighted :
1-Helps lose weight and reduce heart-risk.
2-Improves endurance
3-Helps control Blood- Sugar level.
4-keeps body hydrated

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