A Day dedicated to Tea- Our unofficial National Drink

“A cup of tea makes everything better”.When day begins a cup of tea comes to our hand, when day wiped away the strong smell and essence of tea makes our body recharge. So a cup of tea plays a vital role in everyone’s life.The game of tea stepped on the earth in the year 2005 which is recognised as “International Tea Day”. on this day in the year 2005 at new Delhi the FAO intergovernmental group stated that tea is a forum that observes the varying trends and acts as an intergovernmental consultancy. This day is marked every year the tea producing countries on 15 December. The FAO government initiated this step to draw the attention of people and to point out the impact brought by the tea trades to the workers and farmers. The countries who implemented this observations were india Uganda Bangladesh Malaysia Tanzania Nepal.            Now tea is the leading beverages in all the countries. Therefore we the young generation must act upon it and draw their kind attention towards the cultivation of tea besides they should make the root of tea cultivation so strong by which the tea production will develop day by day.

Nirad Baran Dalai , Prasanti Vihar , Near KIIT , Patia , Bhubaneswar

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