Tomato Prices In India Skyrocket On Tight Supply

Fruit and vegetable prices are skyrocketing, reaching as high as Rs. 100 to Rs. 200. Tomatoes, which were previously sold at Rs. 35 per kg, have now jumped to Rs. 80 per kg, with predictions of hitting Rs.100 soon. There is very little supply and the prices are very high. When the prices are high, people do not come to buy vegetables. Tomato supply has been affected across the country for last two months owing to weather abnormalities.

Tomato prices have been under pressure for more than a month now on account of supply disruptions caused due to heavy rainfall in the key producing regions. The sowing of tomato this year is lower than the previous years, for various reasons.It should be noted that the delayed monsoon and the possibility of weak rainfall in several parts of the country is leading to the increase in the prices of vegetables.

Presentation- Dibyabharati Nayak

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