Save Soil Movement By Sadhguru

Well the word Shri Sadhguru is quite familiar to us and this word has a vital role in everyone’s life. Yes, the man who was born on 3 September 1957. Then from that day, he has an aim to bring revolution to the world. In the year 1982, he started teaching yoga and after that became involved in various social and economical development movements. Not only does this becomes an inspiration for others. People used to tell that if you have any problem then watch his video all will be fine.
Recently in his interview with a news channel, he has a few conversations on his new movement called Save Soil in that interview he stated that at the age of 65 he used to travel by bike to various states and countries for spreading this awareness among people. He has signed documents with the UN union and will also be a part of it. In his point of view, the soil is not different soil water and this environment are one and are dependent on each other. When in 19-century flood was there in Tamil Nadu after days drought spread in that time Shri sadhguru with his people started the green revolution and brought a drastic change in the climate region besides farmers become more benefited as they have planted more than 2000 of saplings.
Message To The Society
Lastly, he told that if we will act now then after 10 years we all can bring change to the whole world as a citizen of this world it’s our responsibility to act upon it and grab success. Shri sadhguru has signed the soil recommendation policy document and that has been given to the various head of the organization for future development. One main thing which touched our heart is that after 21 March all should give some time to spread this soil save movement message through various modes for 100 days so that a big and healthy success we will get.
From the team of shyamala subarna, we request our beloved farmers spread this message, and yes Shri Sadhguru you are really great and your deeds will be always remembered, and yes definitely the change will be soon. Soil is the root of our sustenance so please save it and plant as many saplings as you can and conserve it.

By- Nirad Baran Dalai( Shyamala Subarna)

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