Having A Degree But Dedicated Towards Farming

The title must be arising one question who is the person, yes he is the fruit man of Odisha, Mr. Upendra of Bhadrak Basudevpur. In his career, he has passed MA in history and can opt for a lectureship, teaching, and many more but his heart is in somewhere else that is farming. After his study, he cultivated some crops and observe that he is gaining success in that so he decided to make it his profession.

Recently in an interview with him, he told that he used to cultivate black rice which is very much helpful for cancer and diabetes people. It’s the price is Rs100 per kg and he easily could earn Rs 30000. Apart from it he is doing Fish farming and other cultivation also. Recently he has planted a crop named Kashmir Red Berry which is rarely available in the market. First he went to West Bengal to collect the sample and planted it in his field and observed that the crop is very much suitable for that climate. He told that he is aiming to bring more samples and to cultivate this variety more for the market. Also, he will cultivate Areca nuts in March which is a very much rare variety in the market.

He is a man of courage, motivated and determined because he lastly expressed that people are doing various types of farming but he is doing something extra which makes him unique in the market. Also, he and his other fellow mates own 7 acre of land named as Avispa paribar trust and they have achieved it by investing their earnings from farming. Last but not the least in his point of view we are men and we can do whatever we wish to do so in this world no one is useless so try to be self-reliant. Yes, he is happy in his occupation. A man like him is great and is inspiration for others. From the team of Shyamala Subarna, we wish them all the best in the future.

By:Nirad Baran Dalai(Shyamala Subarna)

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