An Ideal District :Nabarangpur

On 7 July in a village named Merakani of Nabarangpur district the farmers and NGO Agragamee have planned a brilliant scheme for the tribal farmers.
In context to the above news the collector of Nabarangpur Ajit Kumar Mishra and development commissioner Mr. P.K Jena have taken immense interest in the development of that village. On the last day of Van Mahotsav, both of the personalities have planted bamboo plants in that village so that the tribal villagers can extract bamboo weaves from them.
Besides, the collector and the development commissioner visited the village and laid the foundation of long-term development of the district. He sanctioned 55 lakhs for 1- infrastructure development 2- promotion of Agro horticulture plantation 3- skill development in bamboo craft 4- settlement of land for FRA and so on.
This development will definitely bring a drastic change in that village.

Source: Facebook News

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