Honey Mission Program By KVIC


The Honey Mission programme was launched by Khadi & Village Industries Commission (KVIC), under the Ministry of MSME, during 2017-18 and is being implemented to promote Bee Keeping activities and provide self-sustaining employment opportunities among farmers, Adivasies and unemployed youth in rural India, especially in economically backward and remote areas. Total number of 15445 beneficiaries have been assisted under the programme.Besides, under ‘ Scheme of Fund for Regeneration of Traditional Industries’ (SFURTI) implemented by the Ministry of MSME, traditional beekeepers are provided with sustainable employment by organizing them into clusters, and supporting them with new machineries and training. 29 Honey clusters have been approved under the scheme which will benefit 13388 beekeepers with Government of India financial assistance of Rs.68.65 crore.

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Under the Honey Mission programme of KVIC, it is proposed to form 08 Self Help Groups benefitting 80 beekeepers in the Bundelkhand Region in the financial year 2021-22.

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