Vegetables To Stay Dearer Till New Crop Arrives

Climate change impacts – including harsher heat, drought and floods – pose a major emerging threat to food security in India and elsewhere, accelerating diverse efforts to introduce crops that are better able to withstand shifting conditions. Consumers may have to sell out more for buying their daily vegetables till about mid- August when the new crop, which is now being planted, will start arriving in the market.

The price of coriander leaves has doubled in June over May at Rs 400 per kg. Potatoes, a common vegetable in Indian households, have become costlier by 15% over last month despite good production, as the common man is forced to consume more of the tuber because prices of other vegetables have gone up even further. Prices of common summer vegetables like ridged gourd, pointed gourd, okra and leafy vegetables are up 20-25% from this time last year and 10-15% from last month.

Presentation- Dibyabharati Nayak

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