Soya, one of the richest sources of protein, is emerging as a high-quality feed ingredient for poultry, livestock, and aquaculture amongst retailers. Soybean meals can be a good substitute for meat and are also economically beneficial.Soybean meal is also at times referred to as ‘gold standard’ owing to its protein content. It is composed of amino acids which are highly digestible and make a good diet for your cattle.
This aims to increase awareness about soybean meals and how they can be a quality protein product differentiator so that consumers having access to superior quality protein products can make healthier consumption choices, which can be beneficial for retailers in the country.
Dr Suresh Itapu, Nutraceutical Expert, Director, NutriTech India and Kripa Jalan Nutritionist, Founder – Burgers to Beasts deliberate on protein consumption in the country and how retailers can play an important role in making India protein sufficient.
Source: Economic Times