Heatwave Effect : Potato Prices Likely To Remain Hot Despite Monsoon Progress

There are numerous effects of climate change on agriculture, many of which are making it harder for agricultural activities to provide global food security. Rising temperatures and changing weather patterns often result in lower crop yields due to water scarcity caused by drought, heat waves and flooding. Vegetable inflation remains a major concern for policymakers, reaching 29.3% in June, from 27.4% in May.

Uttarpradesh and West Bengal, the leading potato-producing states, contribute to nearly half of India’s potato output. Potato and vegetable prices remain high due to heatwave damage, causing a supply-demand mismatch despite monsoon progress. For potatoes, weather-related damages in key potato producing states of West Bengal and Uttar Pradesh have crimped production, fuelling the price increase.

Presentation- Dibyabharati Nayak

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