Foodgrain output for 2023-24 estimate at 329mt, a tad lower than last year

The Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare has released Third Advance Estimates of Major Agricultural Crops for the year 2023-24. From the last agricultural year, the summer season has been segregated from Rabi season and incorporated in the Third Advance Estimates. The total foodgrain production in India is estimated at 3,288.52 lakh tonne in 2023-24, which is lower than 3,296.87 lakh tonnes of foodgrain production of 2022-23.

The data received has been validated and triangulated with information received from remote sensing, weekly crop weather watch group and other agencies. Further the climatic conditions, previous trends, price movements, mandi arrivals are also considered while preparing the estimates. India has three croping seasons: summer, kharif and rabi. Basically, all croping season depend on climate.

Presentation- Dibybharati Nayak

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